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Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:10 pm
by mj43
Ah... yes we went through Hall Bends a bit faster than we have ever done and I straight lined all the corners basically put side car wheel on the grass then I went on the rumble strip and then side car wheel back on the grass - all intentional. A combination of things occurred as the wheel came off the second piece of grass. The speed through the bends caught Andy out a bit and I think (this is my version of events) he didn't move across smoothly. This wasn't helped by the sidecar wheel kicking up as it came off the grass. Result was sidecar flipped up so I steered away from it which at the point of the track I was at with the brakes on hard for the hairpin put me on the grass. Can't brake on the grass so bounced across it and as we hit tarmac again hit the brakes hard and luckily scrubbed off enough speed not to go into the tyre wall at the hairpin. As Andy took a bit of a battering and we lost all the ground we had made up I decided to pull in. Pity as it was the best run we have had in the slidey.

Fontyy missed that - let you off this time :)

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:36 am
by Luders
I was watching by the mountain, so I missed all of the action.